Every new journey begins by collecting the dearest, most significant things to take with you. This is also how RG started planning its new journey towards the Salone del Mobile, Milano 2024.
Only that RG's trunkful of contents starts from way, way back ..... it is a collection telling a unique story of excellence: the priceless legacy of a true Master who left behind an inheritance of technical expertise, a respect for history and a love of beauty.
The first object to come out of our trunk and which will be presented in Milan, is the Sun King's Mirror.
Let's go back in time together. In the glittering age of Louis XIV, the Sun King's Mirror shone as a symbol of power and majesty, an ode to the Sun that rules the sky.
The result of extremely advanced technical workmanship, also in the quality of the glass, the Mirror reflected both the ambition of the king as well as that of an entire era. It was an image of divine power, embodied by the sovereign, manifested through art.
In our time, Maestro Roberto Giovannini embraced the legacy of this marvel, breathing new life into it and creating living evocations of an era when art was power, dialogue and vision.
The Sun King's Mirror will also accompany us on this new journey, returning in a new form, bringing the light of the past to shine again on the settings of the present.