A new way of living and socialising
The sofa, as the central element of the living room and Baroque invention par excellence, is the element that changed the quality of relationships between people.
The concept of the living room as a place for meeting, chatting and socialising was thus created.
A new sumptuous and relaxed lifestyle asserted itself thanks to the Baroque sofa, which became the focal point of furniture for the fashionable people of the time; sofas for Venetian parties, for secret meetings, for preparations for the ball, as depicted by Pietro Longhi in 1701 in his Lezione di Ballo, and sofas that Roberto Giovannini was able to replicate in their most exquisite essence.
Armchairs and sofas now define the new French and Venetian fashions, abandoning rigid court etiquette in favour of a new intriguing and seductive social life and rewriting the concept of furniture and interior décor. Living rooms for private tete-a-tetes and the gossip of the day. The RG re-editions re-propose the courtly and flirtatious furnishings, indulging in the sins of the Venetian eighteenth century and bringing their splendour and echoes to the present day.