It is 1759. Curtains billowing in the wind, damask on the walls, "Fauteuil a la Reine" and a column with a vase, make up this serene scene, portraying the architect-engineer Jean-Rodolphe Perronet who, in the company of his wife, shows us one of his projects, in this pleasant setting in pure Louis XV style, in the painting by Alexandre Roslin.
Each era speaks through its own stylistic code, each period links up with the previous one by introducing new significant and identifying elements.
But, always, each environment is composed of a multiplicity of elements, of the chromatic harmony of the ensemble, of the combination of matching or contrasting components, giving rise to a skilful mix of objects, furnishings, fabrics, lights and decorations which constitute the hallmark of quality design.
In the RG catalogue, furnishings and materials, lights and decorations, gemstones and fabrics, upholstery, marble and crystal, gold and silver, perfect re-editions of eighteenth-century models and accessories of contemporary beauty all coexist. Today, as yesterday, the possibility of choosing between different elements is the winning formula: providing designers with perfect tools, capable of offering the maximum opportunity for choice and personalisation.