The search for stylish fabrics to contribute fresh narratives in a temporal dimension independent of time.
To hybridize, to intertwine, to mix and to graft new languages for new narratives in a present day reality as changeable as a kaleidoscope: this is the categorical imperative to allow the wonders of the past arouse enthusiasm and love in a fast and impatient contemporary world in perpetual search of stimuli and changes.
And it is in the research of Cristina Bernacchi, art director and creator of the new photo shoots which mark a decisive new path for the company, that we find completely unexpected inspirations and atmospheres, as in a kaleidoscopic theatre of wonders. Ideas which lead us into enchanted worlds, filled with echoes of the past and unexpected and flamboyant flashes of contemporary beauty.
There is no desire to provoke in this semantic transition, but rather a profound awareness that there is no reprocessing without interpretation, that static leaps in time are not possible, but that tomorrow is linked to a present and a past in perpetual, harmonious flow.
And here is the Toile de Jouy in cotton by Rubelli, the lampas by Armani and again, the soft velvets by Rubelli, the precious silks and the Jacquard satins linked to the Marquises dear to Louis XV, to the Bergères, the most well known armchairs of the eighteenth century, or to the everlasting appeal of the icons of eighteenth-century splendour. Seductive materials which stimulate touch and sight in a sensory journey of rare beauty and slight irreverence, which lead us to fly, as if on magic flying carpets, around a changing and unexpected landscape, full of ancient memories and coups de théatre of comforting and unexpected modern beauty.