We are interpreters, not artists, a phrase dear to my grandfather, and as such we interpret designs from the past, bringing them into and adapting them to the contemporary world.
The curl of the baroque leaf cannot change, what can change is the colour of the gold, its intensity, the dimensions, the combination with contemporary fabrics and materials capable of defining new languages while respecting both history and the present.
I am proud of this opportunity, I feel the responsibility to preserve and continue my grandfather's dream by keeping the ancient art of carving alive, an art which is strongly linked to our territory, and placing it in the contemporary context.
Brand, Communication, Relationship, Sustainability and Responsibility, are the focal points which I will work on, with love.
Surrounding ourselves with beauty is a need that will never die. Fashions and situations change, trends evolve and with them the adaptation of our production and communication strategies is unavoidable, but our mission does not change.
To be a brand is an absolute imperative, and to be one we must strongly express our unique, recognisable, inimitable identity, capable of transmitting all the values of which it is constituted: material and immaterial values, namely culture and craftsmanship, the industrial capacity to respond in terms of numbers and quality to international demand, but also the values of our territory, the genius loci that distinguishes us and allows us to interpret the pieces of the past with the same mastery of those who designed them and, at the same time, to present them to a world in continuous transformation.
The recent health emergency has meant a further acceleration in the use of digital technologies and in the use of the channels through which the company communicates with its public.
The home has been at the centre of our lives over the last year and a half, we have had to learn to do more things from a distance, but we have also realised that personal contact remains fundamental.
Last but not least, the circular economy, which is something we talk a lot about nowadays: we have always been determined for our wood to come from environmentally sustainable forests and we have used renewable energy in our structures. This is a commitment that will be vigorously pursued in the future.