Prestige at Crocus 2017
In Moscow, the unmistakable luxury of Roberto Giovannini's collections proposes a new dimension in Italian- style everyday living, with furnishings in the unmistakable classic spirit which are also able to amaze and ‘uplift’ thanks to their modern day allure.
The 2017 edition of the iSaloni WorldWide Moscow, the international showcase which every year proposes the best in quality furnishings, with Made in Italy taking centre stage, has terminated with extraordinarily positive results in terms of the high number of visitors and exhibitor participation.
Roberto Giovannini's exhibition space at the Moscow Crocus Expo confirms itself once again as being an important occasion for continuing to propose décor solutions which over time have become respected icons of style and elegance: luxurious classics born from the passion for the precious and sophisticated art of woodcarving.
And so this is an important appointment which has given added importance to the dialogue with the Russian market and has consolidated the presence of the brand in a country which, in the furniture sector, seeks a Made in Italy guarantee of the highest quality.
All the furniture, furnishings and accessories displayed in Moscow were an exaltation of the artisan knowhow which distinguishes Roberto Giovannini.
Professionals of the sector, buyers and the general public were thus able to appreciate his collections, the expression of the ideal balance between tradition and innovation.
The ‘guests’ had the possibility of experiencing to the full the atmosphere which is breathed in the interiors enhanced by Roberto Giovannini and of discovering the living experience amidst exceptionally elegant décor, created for contemporary environments but inspired by that extraordinary and authentic luxury which has always characterised the finest noble residences of times past.
The visitors, furthermore, expressed their great appreciation of all the compositions featuring the fine Rubelli fabrics and the high quality finishings in Roberto Giovannini's collection.
Splendour and magnificence are therefore confirmed as being the unquestioned main players of the ‘ideal’ living spaces showcased in Moscow: an area of relaxation with fireplace, a dining space and a night-time area all expressed the concept of the beauty of interior design according to Roberto Giovannini's style and philosophy.